Run robot using Windows Task Scheduler without using Orchestrator

Step 1:Open Notepad
Step 2:start “” /min “C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio\UiRobot.exe” /file:“D:\BlankProcess\Main.xaml” /input:“{‘StartedByTaskScheduler’:true}”
Step 3:Save it as batch file (Sample.bat)
Step 4: Open Task Scheduler & Create basic task and point it out to batch file.


@sasicumaar Officially confirmed UiPath does not supports windows task scheduler

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Hi @indra

Other than running a Robot in Command line, is there any other way we can run Robot without using Orchestrator.


Pls search before posting a question. There are many articles about this topic.



Thanks for sharing the article.
I tried different search criteria’s like “how to run the Robot without Orchestrator” before posting but cant find the one you mentioned.

To make it clear, my question is Uipath announced that it doesn’t support Task Scheduler anymore. One way we can run Robot is from Command line. And other than this two ways, i wanted to know is there any other way that we can run Robot without connecting it to Orchestrator.


No problem. We are running robot using Task Scheduler without any problem despite it is “not supported”. The key is to store user name/password the robot will run under in Credential Manager as described in the post above. Otherwise no extra settings are need - same like any other unattended job.



allow me to clarify : the confusion surrounding “not supported”

UiPath supports Orchestrator - as the component of their RPA platform which is designed to schedule robots to run published processes …

Although there are/were ways to run the robot via shell console, it is pointless to seek any advice/guides or information (ya know, support) to help you achieve similar functionality that Orchestrator provides.

I would limit the scope of this discussion to that which is defined by the available UiPath documentation on command-line switches, to preserve this feature in future releases of the product … I fear that this sort of discussion could result in loss of this functionality

Hi Venkat,

Can you please provide the steps that how we can run a robot using command line?

UIRobot is installed in the below location:

you can either go there in comman prompt and type uirobot or uirobot.exe

or in other way can add the path “C:\Users<>\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-<>” in your path variables of the computer. then close if any open comman prompt and reopen and just type uirobot or uirobot.exe from any path it works…

Let me know if that works…

Hi @sasicumaar, can I know in the Step 2, does the command start with start___ ?

Hi J0ska, we have UIPath V 2016. We will upgrade in couple of months.

The UIPath job runs with the Win 10 task scheduler but when we disconnect from the VM it does not run although the settings on windows scheduler says to run even when logged off. This is only happening for Win 10 and works fine on Win 7. Thoughts?

Which version of UiPath you experience this behavior on?
UiPath 2016 on W10?


UIPath V2016.2 on Windows 10

Hi sasicumaar,
I have the UIPath job run on win 10 but when I disconnects from the VM it does not run. Although my windows task says to run logged on or off. I know the bat job runs since I have a log but UIPath job does not launch