RPA Certified Developer not appearing on UiConnect profile


I was just looking at my profile on UiConnect and it says i do not have the Certified RPA developer badge.

I validated my cert on UiPath certification platform so not sure why it is not appearing on the UiConnect site. I am pretty sure i have used the same email address for both accounts

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When you click on training tab, you will see the certification if the mail id is same for both academy and connect @Automater999


Yes i have checked both and the email is the same. The badge is still greyed out

If the mail you used for certification platform and connect is same, then it must be updated soon. Are you able to see the badges you got? And can you let me know when you got the certification?

Yes i can see 4 badges out of 10 in the technical section.

Date certified:2019-06-11

Oh, then it must be included in your profile.

@loginerror @Mara_Pitiga Can you guys help here

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Hello, everyone! Thank you for the tag, @HareeshMR. I think @Bogdan_Zavera can help us solve the mystery around Connect badges.

LE: @fflattery - we’ve started investigating this issue. We will come back with an update as soon as possible.


Any update on this?

Hello @Automater999 - Just checked with our team. They said this is a logged bug that’s affecting a larger number of community users. They are working on fixing it, but it will still take some time.

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