Robot not showing in Orchestrator when trying to run a Job #


i have Problem while Running Job From Orchestrator Robot is Connected with Environment Still it is Not Showing Up in the Job Tray

can Someone Help me out.

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@ravi_gupta ravi_gupta,

Please change the robot type to "unattended " from Studio floating. You would be able to see the robot

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hi @ravi_gupta

“A job represents the execution of a process on UiPath Robot. You can launch the execution of a job in either attended or unattended mode. You cannot launch a job from Orchestrator on attended robots, and they cannot run under a locked screen”.
Refer the source :

Hello, i had similar issue and i changed to to Unattended from Studio Floting but what is the reason for doing so ?

Changed but it getting Disconnected while changing to unattended.

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Is your machine id and URL correct and same in studio and system tray ?

tray to connect the robot tray again

Yes its Showing Connected in Tray and in Machine but not in Robot Tab.

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can we have some screen shots pls

Click on Disconnect and reconnect once again.

Floating Robot is Getting Connected but when i switch to Studio Floating to Unattended it not Connecting in tray it is showing Connected but not in Orchestrator.

In the Orchestrator web, Please change your machine name, from RAVIMACHINE to desktop-bpm3hlv


machine name was the Problem.
Thank You.

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