Nowadays I see everyone drawing pictures using every RPA tool a lot. I believe (not sure) Intellibot started this trend and everyone following it. Intellibot has done it to show case the tool capability.
The funny question is “Do we draw pictures in any back office processes” ?
Note: No offence guys. I know everyone is following it to showcase their talent.
at the same time can see many are interested how it is going
There are many logics to achieve the goal.
I am just for learning purpose for others , uploading a Workflow.xaml script which does not need any dependency To run
The main thing is Here I am parsing pixel from an Image by using BITMAP.GetPixel
Pixels parsing and DrawPicture totally depdens on the parsed pixel accuracy
So There it will be not applicable for all images. Mostly found it works good with Black dominated pixels very well.
I printed pixel_coror_2 for each corresponding coordinate in an excel sheet. it gives Color [A=255, R=255, G=255, B=255] output for all the values.
How can I obtain correct RGB values for each coordinate? Please suggest.
i have used the same workflow as reference and design own workflow but it is nor working, it is not giving any error also.It is opening the ms paint but it is not drawing anything on it.
I have attached the workflow zip file for the same.
Please let me know what is wrong and any modifications need to be done.
How to draw rectangle in paint using UiPath. Please share your ideas. I tried to draw a line in paint. Succeeded…!! But I want to draw a rectangle.
Please help.