Resource not available | Outlook - Unicorn task

I have been following your guidance in the unicorn task

The available resources do not show up, what you are asking for, i.e. there’s no “Use Outlook Account”:
there’s only “Use Desktop Outlook App” and “Use Outlook 365”.
When using the App - a draft email gets created, but not send.

When I download your solution, clearly the “Use Outlook Account” resource is shown - and works.

What is missing in my setup, that a new project does load different resources?

Signed, Creative Feather-Wind :wink:

Hi @anotherulrich - could you the the version of the packages that are in the project?


With version 1.7.2 of the mail activities it is called “Outlook Account card”

Version 1.8.6 shows “Use outlook account” so I suspect that might be the version your project is using.

The newest version of the package then uses “use desktop outlook app” → functionally they should do more or less the same but new functionality is always added.

OK… I’m using v1.10.4-beta after I updated to teh latest version. Would be good, if the documentation/wording in the course refers to the latest…

Regards, Ulrich

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