Hello! Yeah i was also thinking that but I copied the line from word document to the activity so I was assuming it was the same.
I’ve tried that but it also replaces the Test on the last line beside z. I only need to replace the ones with x.
@mimuh , Is it possible for you to provide this Document ? Maybe we would need to find the Length of Spaces between the two words using Regex and then use it in the Replace Text Activity.
@mimuh Try this uncheck replace all So that It will replace the first word that it found. Use replace text activity twice so that it will replaces the first two words of Test with done
In this case it will not replace the Test with Z character
Hello again, wow thank i can’t believe i missed that haha! its working now if the x test is in the first part but for structure like this do you maybe have an idea how can i skip the first line