Struggling with the REFramework functionality around Retry (studying for the Advanced Developer exam).
From what I can tell the Retry functionality uses the Queue setting if the Item is a Queue Item regardless of what the Config file has. So for example:
Transaction Item is a QueueItem
MaxRetryNumber in Config =0 and Max#Retry in Queue =1 /Auto Retry= OFF - Does not retry
MaxRetryNumber in Config =2 and Max#Retry in Queue =1 /Auto Retry=OFF - Retries 2 times
MaxRetryNumber in Config =1 and Max#Retry in Queue =2 /Auto Retry=OFF - Retries 1 time
MaxRetryNumber in Config =2 and Max#Retry in Queue =2 /Auto Retry=OFF - Retries 2 times
MaxRetryNumber in Config =2 and Max#Retry in Queue =2 /Auto Retry=ON - Retries 2 times
MaxRetryNumber in Config =2 and Max#Retry in Queue =1 /Auto Retry=ON - Retries 1 time
MaxRetryNumber in Config =2 and Max#Retry in Queue =3 /Auto Retry=ON - Retries 2 times
Transaction Item is not a QueueItem
MaxRetryNumber in Config =0 and Max#Retry in Queue =1 /Auto Retry= OFF - Does not retry
MaxRetryNumber in Config =2 and Max#Retry in Queue =1 /Auto Retry=OFF - Retries 2 times
MaxRetryNumber in Config =1 and Max#Retry in Queue =2 /Auto Retry=OFF - Retries 1 time
MaxRetryNumber in Config =2 and Max#Retry in Queue =2 /Auto Retry=OFF - Retries 2 times
MaxRetryNumber in Config =2 and Max#Retry in Queue =2 /Auto Retry=ON - Retries 2 times
MaxRetryNumber in Config =2 and Max#Retry in Queue =1 /Auto Retry=ON - Retries 2 times
MaxRetryNumber in Config =2 and Max#Retry in Queue =3 /Auto Retry=ON - Retries 2 times