Recover file previous version


I have file .xaml but I want file previos version.

How can recover it.

remark : I not publish file.

Hi @Stef_99

Unless you have maintained your code/file on a Version control system (VCS) such as Git, i dont think there is a way to revert back to a previous version of the file.
The concept of Publishing the project to Orchestrator is different from VCS.


Hi @Stef_99

To recover a previous version of your .xaml file, check for any .bak backup files in the project folder. If you’re using source control like Git, you can revert to a previous commit. You can also look for autosave files in the UiPath logs folder or try using Windows File History by right-clicking the file and selecting “Restore previous versions.”

@prashant1603765 I not found any .bak in folder.

Then I think not possible to recover without mentioned options.


Without your code is being sync with any code repository, I don’t think you can get that version.


either the code needs to be pushed to orchestartor or to a remote repo…else there would not be anyway to recover as there is no previous version itself…it is just a save of xaml in between updates…which would not be preserved


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