Recomended tool to record videos of UiPath robots running


We are trying to record a video of one robot working. The end to end process is running perfectly. If we try to record the video (we have tried with skype sharing desktops, and even with camtasia video recorder), when it is going to send the user name to the SAP login GUI, it is not recognizing and the process finish with error (doesn’t find the selector).
I have seen this problem before with other RPA tool, but in this case sharing desktop using webex. It looks like there is an additiona layer. Runing directly, itr works. Running presenting the screen (skype or webex), or recording the screen, it fails in some steps (I have seen in all cases the error is sending text to text boxes).
Is there any recomended tool or recording mode to run the robots and don’t have the need to update them? Which tool is used to record the UiPath videos and demos?
Thanks & regards


You can also use PowerPoint(easy to use) to record your screen.

Open Power Point
Add a blank slide
Go to Insert Tab
Select “Screen Recording” in top left most corner
Start recording
You can runt the recording in ppt itself or convert to mp4 or any other format you want

You can record the screen with audio as well.

Try this and let me know if this works.


Hi Madhavi,

Thanks for this really interesting advice. I will try on monday. Unfortunatelly I believe I wil have to rework some robot parts. I was reading another post mentioning about potential solution. Adding new “capture window” and placing the tasks inside. I tried on the part where robot insert the user and pwd and it worked. But I will try this first and will let you know.

Thanks again!

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I am trying to record with microsoft power point but some selectors doesn’t work.

Do you know witch parts should I edit?

Thank you very much!!

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Hi Madhavi,

I saw your answer and I agree. This is what I had to do also based on another posts. I believe the problem is not with the video recording, it is about how robots was created. It is very important to “capture windows” to avoid future problems.

Thanks for your advide. And thanks to the rest of the people that answer to my post!

Hi, check this out @nSangui @pgm


I played around a bit with recording the robot running and found that FFmpeg is a good choice. If you download the static linked version all you need to do is copy the ffmpeg.exe somewhere on your system and start it with the right attributes.
Sample activity that does that for you is enclosed.
ScreenRecorder.1.0.6938.24450.nupkg (10.7 KB)


One tool that i use, and is open source is the OBS Screen Recorder.

Its maybe too featured to your case, but is a good software anyway.

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You can also use Skype for Business to screen record

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You can use SnagIt for screen recording.
It has many functionalities like blurring part of the screen and more!

Thanks and regards,


I’m interested in your method, but I can’t use it. Can you teach me?

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Tks a lot!! You really helped me :wink:

Gonna try some of these myself and see if they are any better than the OBS open-source one I’m using!

I recommend VLC player the video is small. (VLC 10MB is like powerpoint 200MB)

1)open VLC player
2)control + C (Media > Capture)
3)capture mode: desktop
4)change frame rate.
or if you want to display mouse use in advance setting edit options:

:screen-fps=25.000000 :live-caching=300 :screen-mouse-image=[path to cursor image]\cursor.png

5)alt + o (convert)
6)select file (browse)

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How to record the video when we’re using unattended bot hosted in the VDI environment?

Hi @clementson

If you have an on-premise installation, you can set it up natively via Orchestrator:

I understand on that. But that feature of the recording only applicable for the recording during the fault occur.

Our requirement is to recording 24/7 unattended robot(VDI environment) activity. Is there anyway to achieve this?

[quote=“Madhavi_Jaiswal, post:2, topic:34777”]
Open Power Point
Add a blank slide
How to open these file in UiPath can you please share .xaml file

These days you can use features from the Orchestrator and TrueVNC to record and livestream your processes for anyone looking for a tool to do this:

Orchestrator - Recording (

Orchestrator - Live streaming and remote control (

Hello @alfredo.baena . I know I might be late to the party but you can check this out.
This screen recorder library provides a UiPath activity that effortlessly sets up and initiates a screen recording application on the target machine. It captures the screen and saves the recorded output to a specified location. By running the recording on a separate thread, it does not disrupt the parent process.

Whether you need to monitor server activity during bot execution or provide visual logs for troubleshooting, this activity is the perfect solution.