Read Tif file

I have a Tif file i want read tif and find the date tile and dates stored in excel file it’s possible to do that

I hope we need third party applications to read a tif file. But I’m not sure about it @damodar99

Hello @damodar99,

You can read the contents of a TIF file (even multi-page TIF) - by this I mean OCR it and get the machine readable text - using the IntelligentOCR package, and the Digitize Document activity.

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Thank you for the solution :slight_smile: . One more doubt, is it the same process as opening the process and reading the screen with OCR?

Hello @HareeshMR,

No, it’s different. It is targeting strictly file (document) processing, and the Digitize Document activity targets only to get the text content out of a file (wich can be clean PDF, scanned PDF, single- or multi-page TIF files, pngs, jpegs, etc).

Moreover, if the input is a clean PDF, or some pages do not require OCR, it reads their content natively without calling OCR on those pages :slight_smile:

Glad this helps,


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Thanks again for the clarification @Ioana_Gligan

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Thanks for the solutions

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