Read saved email to object error


I used ReadSavedEmailToObject Activities to convert the mail message i saved to my local drive to an object, and then used that object to reply an email to Outlook. But I kept on having an error message. Kindly advise, Thank you

Hi @jhenesie.t.tapalla

Why not use get emails and then use it to reply?

May be the conversion is not happening properly.


i cannot do that since the mail message that i need to reply is saved on a folder with file format of “.msg”

Hi @jhenesie.t.tapalla

Is the mail not present in the mail box at all?

If its present the. Have a look at this where you can extract the data from the mail about the sender subject and all…and then use these details to filter the mails in get mail activity and then use reply to on selected mail

Or you already have all the data you can use it to send email with this plus the new body that you need
