Read Range: A column named 'X' already belongs to this DataTable. How to bypass

Hello everyone,

I currently have a problem with one part when I use a read range. I keep getting the error: Read Range: A column named ‘X’ already belongs to this DataTable.

I know I have 2 columns that are the same in that but they will be removed anyways with filter datatable. Is there anyway to bypass the error and just have to headers with the same name?

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Are you using read range after filtering the datatable ? If yes then it should work provided in the filter datatable you are keeping only one of those columns.

@dvn If you have an Excel file that contains less columns and you do know the Column Names of it and it’s order in the Excel file, then you can use this Snippet to Change the Names of the Columns with your new Column names as an array of String.

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