Read Outlook Email Subject to change user credential

Hello All,
I need to read the incoming emails in Outlook that has a specific subject (contains user ID), copy that user ID and paste it into another tool for further processing.
Can anyone help me on how I will be able to read a specific subject of an email, copy a certain part of the subject, respond back to the sender that the job is completed?


firstly could you provide an example of the strucutre of the subject of the emails you woul be receiving and then also what part of the subject you would like to copy (i.e. what does the user ID format look like).

This can be done by retriving the mail message subject firstly, then you can use regex to extra part of the subject - you can then use the mailmessage from to then send the email back to the sender.

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Can you share the subject line which you are receiving


Let us assume " Reset Credential - vigneshabbur "


In Get Outlook Messages->Filter

Give as below

"@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:subject LIKE 'Reset Credential’"

Mark as solution if this helps you



My subject line looks like this " ID Blocked - Reset Password - Vigneshabbur"
All of my emails are stored into a sub folder inside Inbox named “Reset”
As and when the email arrives, the bot must check this folder, look for the user ID (Vigneshabbur) and paste it into the clipboard. The user ID will be put into a different tool for futher processing.
Once the processing is done by the other tool, I need to reply back to the same email saying Password Reset Successful".
The reset activity will not take more than 5 minutes by the other tool.

I need to read every incoming email from a folder say “RPA” that contains such emails.