Reading automatic reply mail

Hi Everyone,

I have created attached flow for reading automatic email replies. For reading automatic replies, I am reading emails for subject with "Automatic reply: " appended before the actual subject. For example if the subject of sent email is “Test”, then subject of automatic reply will be “Automatic reply: Test”.

However Get Outlook Mail Messages is not reading the automatic replies. However it is able to read non automatic reply mails with same subject(“Automatic reply: Test”). It would help me a lot if someone can assist me with this issue.

Thanks.automaticReply.xaml (6.1 KB)

@Kapil Your get outlook messages activities has the filter condition set to "[SUBJECT]=Automatic reply: Test".
The activity will return mail messages with subject that exactly matches Automatic reply: Test only.

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@KannanSuresh, yes thats what the subject of my automatic reply will be and thats the email I want to read.
If I am sending email with subject “Test”, then subject of automatic reply will be “Automatic reply: Test”.

However my get outlook mail message is not reading automatic reply with subject “Automatic reply: Test”. However it is able to read normal mail with subject “Automatic reply: Test”.

@Kapil I am bit confused. Please note that, when you reply to a mail in outlook the subject is prefixed with RE:.
So in your case Automatic Reply: Test will become RE: Automatic Reply: Test when you reply.

If filter doesnot work you can try with a for loop and if condition where subject contains “Automatic reply”, this is because in fliter condition you can not use the contains or like functions and filter support only the “=”

Let us know if this helps,
Pavan H

@Kapil I think I now understand your issue. I am afraid, I don’t have a definitive solution that might help. However, I can give you some directions.

The mail item type might be different in case of Auto Replies.

Thanks Pavan and I think this is the only way I would be able to identify Automatic Replies however it is taking lot of time this way as it is reading all emails(limit set to 100).

I have skipped reading automatic replies and will again look into it incase it is mandatory requirement in future work.

Thanks Suresh but unfortunately it didn’t help.

I have skipped reading automatic replies and will again look into it incase it is mandatory requirement in future work.

Anyone still reading this thread may get hints here: Learn How to Auto Reply to Specific Sender - #2 by RAKESH_KUMAR_BEHERA