Read emails from outlook. I had different mails groups in outlook. how to read emails

Read emails from outlook. I had different mails groups in outlook. how to read emails. Below is the screenshot. I had highlighted the mail group and Inbox folder. How to read emails from that.

Hi @Puneet_Singh1 ,

You can read the message using " Get Outlook Mail Messages" activity and you can configure the following options:

  • Account: Choose the Outlook account you want to use.
  • MailFolder: Specify the mail folder or group you want to read emails from. If you want to read emails from the inbox, leave this field empty.
  • Filter: Define any filter criteria if you want to narrow down the emails you want to retrieve. For example, you can filter by subject, sender, date, etc.

You need to use the Get Outlook Mail Messages activity

& In properties

Account: The email address of the Outlook account that you want to use.

MailFolder: The name of the mail folder that you want to read from, such as “Inbox”, “Sent Items”, “Drafts”, etc. In your case “Inbox Arizona-W1permit”

Also take a look at this

Getting an error folder not exits

Try “Inbox\Inbox Arizona-W1permit”

Not working.

My outlook structure


Giv ethe account related to permitting and not the actual account

Then give the folder name under it

Or try to give Permitting\Inbox


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