Read CSV and input value into application textbox


I’m new to UiPath and trying out my first automation project. My ask is to print statements for people, whose names are in a csv file. I’ve got till the point where the UiPath execution clicks the button that opens up the dialog to input last & first name of the customer (first & last name is in the csv file). From this point I want to do a read of the csv file with the customer names, take the 1st value in the line as the lastname and the 2nd value as the firstname, press the ok button on ‘find the customer’ screen then press the statement print button. I put the below activity to read the CSV file but I don’t know how to proceed next. I need guidance with the following:

  1. read the last and first name from a row
  2. input the values into the corresponding text boxes in the application.


The following mock sample will help you.

Or you may be able to use UseExcelFile and ForEachExcelRow as the following.


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Hi @juntas ,
Can you share image bout sample data and app?
I think first step you need read csv file to get data table
in scope use app, you can use for loop to get each row of data
then input the values into the corresponding text boxes in the application.

Thanks so much for your mock sample. Now, I’m getting somewhere with learning :slightly_smiling_face:

With the csv sequence, you’ve put the loop does run twice (because i’ve 2 rows only) but instead of picking up the first & lastname of the customer, below is what happens


Hi @Nguyen_Van_Luong1,

Thanks so much for helping me out. Looks like as a new user, I can’t upload files. So, I’ve pasted the sample csv file below



Can you try to set them using AdvancedEditor?




Making it ToString() was the resolution required. Thank you so much, @Yoichi

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