Is this possible with UiPath?

Please forgive me if this has been asked before, however, I only have been a member of the UiPathfor less then 2 days.

I started a job working for an accountancy firm and i am working with a lot of data. I basically have .txt files & .csv files with a load of names in them, like thousands of names. I

Basically, what I have to do is manually copy and paste these names 1 by 1 into a special software the firm has. Once I have copied and pasted the name into the software, I then need to click the ok button.

Is there a way or is it possible for Uipath to read the .csv files and 1 by 1 automatically enter the names from the .csv or .txt file and then click the “OK” Button.

This is killing me doing this manually and is so boring.

Can anyone suggest if it is possible, how I do this or what tutorials I need to learn ?


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Thank you for your fast reply, much appreciated. I am going to watch this video now.

Just to confirm, there is also another process I need to automate.

  1. I need to open the software once with Uipath - this is possible ? if so how ?

  2. Once software is open, I then need uipath to enter 1 by 1 the names in the .csv/.txt file.

  3. Once the names have been entered into the software, I then need to uipath to click “OK”

  4. Once uipath has clicked “OK” button, the software the accoun tancy firm has, then pulls up a lof information like address, etc.

What I need uipath to do, when it gets this far, is to then select another button to export that information.

There is a button, where I click “SAVE” and I need uipath to click that button ie “SAVE” AND THEN SELECT “.csv” - so taht the sofware outputs the information, my boss needs.

Like I said earlier, I have been doing this manually but I am getting tired, bored and fed up of repearting the same actions day in, day out.

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In Bold


Just to confir rm again, here is the process I am doing manually.

  1. Open software at the start of the day - I need uipath to open the software

  2. Once the software is open, I then need uipath to 1 by 1 enter those names from a .csv/.txt file into the software and then select the “OK” button.

  3. Once the “OK” button has been clicked the accountancy firms software begins to search through the database for the file of the persons name we have entered, however, this is where it’s a little tricky.

The software the firm has to search for the persons file can some time takes as little as a minute to bring up all the information on file about that particular individual. then other times the software can take 5 minutes to return information on the person. So I need uipath to some how compensate for those variable wait times, how would I do that ?

  1. Once the software brings up all the information we have on file about that person, I then need to select the "SAVE " BUTTON.

  2. Once I click the the “SAVE” Button. I need it to select the .csv option to output the data and I need to save that data/information to a particular folder, again is this possible with Uipath

I am very sorry if I seem repititive, however, I am trying to paint a clearer picture on the process and if it’s possible with uipath and if so, how do It ?

Thanks again guys for your help.

Thank you so much for your help. I have one more question.

The software the firm has to search for the persons file can some time takes as little as a minute to bring up all the information on file about that particular individual. then other times the software can take 5 minutes to return information on the person. So I need UiPath to some how compensate for those variable wait times, how would I do that ?

thanks again

Yes you can keep a delay, since you said process time is varibale, you can validate by checking for a specific element, if its visible or not and perform your next steps

Hi vvaidya,

Yesterday I watched the videos you sent over and decided to give it a go. however, I got a little stuck and have some questions.

  1. I have the FREE version of the Uipath community studio - does this mean I have limitations ?

  2. The video you sent over where the guy opens the calculator, this looked easy when watching it… however, when I went to attempt myself, I got confused… I can’t seem to find the workflow section, what he is using in the video.

This is the exact same process I need for the software my boss has but what section do I select to get to the same area the guy is in the video, when he demonstrates how to open the calculator ?

When I open the free version of UiPath, all I see is the following sections;

  • Blank

  • Simple Process

  • Agent Process Improvement

  • Transactional Business Process

  1. When I attempted to do this myself, I opened the blank section… and down on the left hand side, I noticed “System”… so i CLICKED IT AND SELECTED “sTART Application”

However, it doesn’t seem to open software and I get the feeling I am missing something here, as I don’t see and nor can I find the same area the guy is at in this video.

On my desktop, there is a shortcut to the software… however, the main folder and where all the files for that software are stored in my C:\Program Files

I want Uipath to open the software from C:\Program Files and NOT the shortcut on the desktop.

Please help!!

Thanks again

I think you need more groundwork before you jump into the development.

Even I’m still trying to watch the videos and complete the course. :slight_smile:

Please try to watch some videos:


I do get where your coming from, however, at the same time, this video is in the starter section.

Please can someone answer my questions, as this is starting to get extremely frustrating…

in the video, how does the guy get to that section ?.. why is this super hard to find ? or get an answer to ? what section is the guy using to open the calculator ?

Check this link (with download link to sample). I think it is similar to your requirement.

Hi there,

Can someone please help me.

Hi there,

In libary I have opened the calcular example, as a reference for my own project, noting the process, etc. However, it doesn’t seem to work and I am getting an error message, which I am hope someone can help me with.


Workflow Exeption

Calcular Automation has thrown an exception

Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Exception Type Exception

This is getting beyod frustrating and the lack of support is also very frustrating, whilst I appreciate the answers given, none of them seem to be working. Even the calculator example does not seem to want to load.