Read Chinese from Excel and then input to SAP

Hi UIPATH expert,

When I try to Read Chinese from Excel and then input to SAP using UIpath, all the Chinese characters are displayed as ‘???’ while input to SAP .
is there any solution for this issue?
thanks a lot.


Welcome to the UIpath Community.

Once try in manually. Copy the data from Excel and paste it into SAP.

Hi Iakshman,

Thanks for your quick reply.
When I copay the data from excel and paste it to SAP manually, it works fine.
my UIpath missed any packages? or missing something else?


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In your UIpath studio, Is Activity names and all are showing in English or Chinese language ?

shown in English.


Change it to Chinese language and restart Studio once and then try again.

could you please let me know how to change it to Chinese?
thanks a lot

I do not see the Chinese option in the general setting->language .


Go to settings-> General → Language


May I know what version of studio are you using ?

The version is 2019.6.0

Hi Expert, can anyone help with this issue ?



Could you please help him in this.

hello @Michael_zhao

download Chinese font and go to control panel-> click on font and paste the chinesh font there

its works for me to read hebrew language


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Hi Sandeep,

where I can download the Chinese font? i can not find it .


hello @Michael_zhao
you can simply search on google as chinese font ttf . you will sure find it.

i got a link and i share with you


Hi Sandeep,
thanks a lot for the information.
I have downloaded the Chinese font ttf, but what is the next step to use it?
you said go to control panel-> click on font and paste the chinese font there
Could you please tell me the details? if i need to go to UIpath studio or something else?

thanks a lot, it is very important for me .


you go to control panel-> click on font and paste the chinese font there.
NO need to go to UIpath studio or something else


thanks lot.

I understand your point.
but my win7 is in Chinese, do you think i still need to do this?


okay. then i think no need to this…
just to confirm that your excel(microsoft excel) is also a chinese language.
