Read Chinese from Excel and then input to SAP

yes, my excel is in Chinese

I guess the issue was caused by the UIPATH Studios, but i donot know how to resolve it.
maybe the uipath miss some package?


hello @Pablito @loginerror
Could you please help him in this.


Hi @Michael_zhao,

While reading an excel try using (read CSV activity) & passing the encoding parameter,
you will be able to read the chinese characters as required.

Please refer the below link:-


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Hi Ronak,
I am using Excel Application Scope and then read range. two activities i am using .

If i need to use CSV, how to use it?


Hi @Michael_zhao,

You can save your excel file with the CSV format, & read the file directly using read csv activity.


Hi Ronak,
the CSV reading works fine, but Chinese Chars still displayed as “???”
I am using encoding gb2312 to in read CSV .

is there any setting i missing?


Hi Michael,

I suppose you have to do a bit of hit & trial,

Try using x-cp20936, or ISO-2022, or iso-8859-1(this one worked for me in case of danish characters).


Hi Ronak,

it does not work even i try the encoding you listed .


Hi Michael,

Please refer the link below

It might help…


Hi Ronak,
I try to check the option ‘simulate type’ when using type into activity .
but it doest work.
i am not sure if the read CSV is working like read text .

I am crazy …


The problem is still open.
Can anyone help?

it is failed to input to SAP from Excel, but input to notepad works fine .
another point is, when type into Chinese to SAP directly but not from Excel, it works fine.

i already read and that topic not help

Use this method

  1. Set to clipboard
  2. Get from clipboard
  3. set text

Use this method

  1. Set to clipboard
  2. Get from clipboard
  3. set text