RE: How to resolve the Issue of Service Unavailable in UI Path icon on Application tray

After creating machine and Robot in Orchestrator,when I hover mouse on UI Path icon(Red icon) it’s display message Service is unavailable.

Also when I click on Settings,all the fields(Orchestrator URL,Machine Key) are disabled

I am using community edition of UIPath.


Does anything change when you open Studio ?

You have only community edition installed, right ? Can you please check that there isn’t anything in C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio folder (if it exists at all)?

Can you please open taks manager and see if this process is running ?


If not, please open ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES (type this after pressing the Start key of windows) and see if this variable is present in any of the 2 lists of variables:




I checked and saw that UIPath User Service was not running and that I do have files in the Studio folder and that the UIPath user service path variable is present in my environment variables but I still have a service unavailable.
What can I do to fix this?

Thank you,

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And where does the variable point to ?

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I have the same issue and the service is not available for me to start in services.

@andreiT I am facing the same issue. I checked service is running on Task manager and the Environment variable is also available.

Please let me know a solution for this.

@andreiT I am also facing this same issue, when I open orchestrator settings everything is disabled and I am unable to edit.

Hi all,
Please check the following things if you have this problem:

  1. That you do not have both enterprise and community versions installed - check add remove programs to see how many UiPath instances you can find in your computer (should be just 1)
    This needs to point to a user service file that exists in your valid installation folder
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Hi all,

I don’t know if you finally solved this, I had the same problem and I solved reinitiating the UiPath Robot Service.

  1. Search for Services in Windows and execute as administrator.
  2. Go to the service “UiPath Robot”, rigth click and Initiate.

That solve the problem for me.

Please check you Component Services and run “UiPath Robot”