Quote Formula into Type Into Activity

Hi guy,
I am pretty new at RPA and I am trying to insert =IF(E2>D2,““YES”,“NO”) which I have quoted as “=IF(E2>D2,”“YES”,“NO”)”. this seems to be giving me and express error. is there a way to solve this problem


  1. Create variable “Xyz”
  2. use assign activity and assign this =IF(E2>D2,”YES”,“NO”) in Xyz
  3. use Xyz variable in typeinto activity.

do as per above step you get your requirement.


which error are you getting buddy?

i have just tried that but it is still giving me the same error as compiler error encountered processing the expression and End of expression expected

compiler error encountered processing the expression and End of expression expected


What is E2 and D2 in your if condition


ok, assing and string variable the text you have to write without quotes, then in the type into activity use the below expression:

Chr(34) + yourStringVariable + Chr(34)

the “Chr(34)” let us to write a quote, you can use that.

Cell names


you are using excel cell name direct in type into then its not possible,

please explain what your exact use of this type into activity or created workflow


I assume you are trying to paste that formula into an excel sheet, right?

Have you tried the Uipath.Excel.Activities Write Cell Activity?

Yes. tried write cell just not and that is spitting out errors as well