Type in

am facing issue here as am trying to use type in activity with if condition for Excel as you know it contains β€œβ€
and after typing the if condition it gives error
kindly advice :slight_smile:

Hello @mina kindly post the text of Type into activity or upload xaml if possible.

First off: the Excel formula should put between quotes (not visible in the screenshot).

Have you tried to replace the quotes in the formula with 4 single quotes (like: β€˜β€™β€˜β€™)?

Otherwise put the formula in a variable with placemarkers for the quotes and then use the Replace Text activity to put in the quotes.

Like @Carel mentioned, the TypeInto requires that you type in a string, so you just need quotations around it. Doing so will also require that the embedded quotes be 4 quotes.
For example,
β€œ=If(TODAY()-A5<=3,β€β€œβ€β€œNOT DUEβ€β€œβ€β€œ,β€β€œβ€"Out of SLA … "

I will also suggest using the Write Cell activity for placing formulas into Excel so you don’t need to rely on keystrokes to get to each cell.
