Queue folder is not accessble

Hi all, I am trying to add items to the queue using the Add Queue Item activity. By using the config file, I can get the folder path and queue name, but I am encountering an error.

“Add Queue Item: Folder does not exist or the user does not have access to the folder. Error code: 1100”.
if i give hardcoded values ,it will be working.


If it’s working with hard-coded then everything is fine except the folder name passing variable.

Log the folder name variable to see what’s the value it is holding and check if any spaces are there in the name.

no sir,
i have already done that process i got same variable values from config,i used trim method to eliminate white spaces.


Ok. Try upgrading the UiPath.System.Activities package to latest possible version.

Thank you, sir.
The problem is resolved. What I did was enter the expression (in_Config(“QF”).ToString) in the input field of the add queue activity. It converts the entire expression into string format. Whenever I opened the expression editor, I observed this.

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