Hi Guys
I'm trying to develop an RPA to send promotions for my clients in WhatsApp Web using UiPath but i'm have some dificults in how can i do that.
I will list the sequence of what my RPA need do to i have sucess in my job.
I have a list of the number of my clients in one CSV and i have to start the message trigger with the contact who stopped the day before in the last trigger of the day.
Question: How can i do this? (Save the last contact of the last day to start from this point?
I think the best way to send a promotions for all clients of CSV is using a For each Loop, i'm right? If i'm right what is the logic/ sequence to start from the last contact of the last day?
I have some dificults to make a correctly sequence.
I have to send a image with a message for all clients. What is faster way to copy a image in the WhatsApp Web chat? Now i'm using the simple way (Click in the in the icon of attachments and type into the full image path in the Windows Navegate attchments.
My script need to start at 8am and end at 17pm from Monday to Friday.
I need to put the script to run in the computers of my clients.
My clients dont can see my script in yours computers. The best way to do that is using the Windows scheduler?
In summary: I need to send messages to all my clients of CSV list and in the next day start from the last contact of the script.
Thanks to everyone! <3