I created a bot for my team. I used StudioX. Bot is running fine in my VM but after publish and copy the project entire package from my hard drive zipped and email to my collague machine. Bot doest work correctly. Bot is able to click some targets but not all like it works on my machine.
I am not using orchestrator to add to certain machine. Locally just copy the whole pacakge zip it and send it.
Is their another work around.
Or is this known issue certain items dont work then you have to tweak it on their machine.
Can you please tell what kind of activities are not working
One issue can be if you are usinfg selectors as you cannot edit selectors in studiox they might be specific to your pages …so we need to re indicate them
Or better develop the object repository in studio where you have ability to edit selectors and choose reliable selectors and use them same across
Also if you are using any hardcoded paths then your username might be present in them and those folders might not be accessed as theya re not present on other systems
Generally when you get selectors you need to use ui explorer and make sure attributes containing numbers or so needs to ne removed…if you are using type into and all then even innertext is not preferred