Hi all,
Please help I don’t get this piece!
Thanks a lot!
Usually in the Process.xaml we would be using decision making activities which will require variables with values from queues and it’s transaction
—so to use them only within Process.xaml we need to declare variables with scope only with the process xaml (this can be done in the variable panel along the scope column) which is what is mentioned as Local variable
There are two variables global variable which has a scope of whole sequence (Main.xaml) which can be used in any xaml been invoked while local variables (process.xaml here) can be used only within that xaml
So for that what arguments needed are listed in the image with its name
Hope this would help you
Cheers @BjrnUitenbroek
Hi @Palaniyappan,
I will use this info for sure thanks a lot for helping me again!
No worries
Cheers @BjrnUitenbroek
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