Process crashed twice with two different error codes: 0xC000041D and 0x80131623

Hi everybody,

I have a process on Orchestrator that is triggered by a queue, so that every time an item is added to a queue the porcess starts.

With the first queue item the process crashed with the following message:

System.Exception: Job stopped with an unexpected exit code: 0xC000041D

With the second queue item the process crashed with the following message:

System.Exception: Job stopped with an unexpected exit code: 0x80131623

I tried to google for both error codes. I found that the first error code could be a problem with the .NET Framework, but I didn’t find anything for the second error code. Could you please help me to understand what to do?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,


Can you please let us know where it is failing…like on any specific activity?


@Anil_G The main problem is that the logs are not complete: the process runs on a VM and the last part of the logs, after the crash, is missing so I’m not sure if it was a specific activity or what.

Btw, checking what the automation was working on, the crash happened in the same place, working on the correspondent Excel file (one for each queue item), after importing the data from another Excel file…


is the excel huge?


@Anil_G every file is different, but yes, the medium size is several hundreds of rows, till more than thousand…



Hundreds is not a problem but if file size is more becasue of formulae or formattings then the size can be upto 10 to 20 mb which might be an issue as well


@Anil_G there are no formulas and the formatting is minimal… We have just few KB even for big files…

i have same issue. Did you find any resolve?

Hi @Rosca_Marius.

No so far no solution. We had first a repair of the .NET Framework. In this way the error 0xC000041D disappeared and only the 0x80131623 was the only one that remained. I made several tests and there was only error 0x80131623 always after the bot started to work on the second file. Now it popped up again error 0xC000041D…

I really don’t know what to do…

At the end, as workaround, I inserted several kill of the Excel process after each of the steps that involve manipulating big amount of data… In this way it seems that the error 0x80131623 is gone…

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