Problem with Java


it might be a longer post but PLEASE help me out here. It is very important for me to get this going. I am even willing to pay for help if somebody can get my UiPath to recognize my Java Application.
If you need more details please let me know.
My Java version:
Image from Gyazo
My StudioX Community Version: 2021.4.0

So I will go one by one what I did and whre I have trouble using this link:

All is running as Admin
I did steps 1 and 2. When I go to UI Explorer like it says To check if the extension is not working properly, open UIExplorer and try to select controls inside a Java app. If the entire window is selected, it means that the extension is not working properly.
this is exactly what is happening

when check in Explorer it should be similar to “SunAwtFrame” like it says here The UiPath Extension for Java is compatible only with AWT apps (e.g. Java Swing, Oracle Forms, Fujitsu JBK), while SWT apps are automated with Active Accessibility. To detect the type of your Java application, check the cls attribute (window class name) in UI Explorer. The class name should be similar to SunAwtFrame or javax.swing . which is the case… it says SunAwtFrame so I have hopes that I might get this going somehow

now it says to install Extension in Custom Folder for Java 8 or lower

1. Create a new folder on your machine in which you wish to install the UiPath Extension for Java (such as C:\UiPathJavaExt ) and copy the following files to it:
1.1. UiPathBridge.jar - located in the %UserProfile%\.nuget\packages\uipath\20.xx.xxxx\build\UiPath\JavaSupport directory.
1.2. UiPathJavaBridgeV8.dll and UiPathJavaBridgeV8_x64.dll located in the %UserProfile%\.nuget\packages\uipath\20.xx.xxxx\build\UiPath directory. It is not necessary to copy both files, but it can prevent issues which can occur due to version mismatch between the JRE and the UiPathJavaBridge.

I did exactly that no problem. Now where I have trouble is at point 2. it says The Java Extension Setup mechanism used by UiPath to install the extension deploys the UiPathBridge.jar and files in the Java installation directory (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_xx ). To use the UiPath Extension for Java from a custom folder, the dependency for these files must be loosened, as follows:
2.1. For the UiPathBridge.jar file, you need to specify the folder in which you copied the UiPathBridge.jar and UiPathJavaBridgev8.dll (such as C:\UiPathJavaExt ) when you start the Java application which uses the extension. This is done through the -Djava.ext.dirs = C:\UiPathJavaExt argument.

" when you start the Java application which uses the extension. This is done through the -Djava.ext.dirs = C:\UiPathJavaExt argument."

WHERE AND HOW do I copy and type this argument to? My Files are moved to the JavaExt folder. but I have no idea what to do with this Expression and where to type that in. That is point 2.1 in this document… im also struggeling with point 2.2

Its very frustrating for me I have spend so many hours trying to get this to work reading through this forum and other Threads… But it doesnt work.
Any help PLEASE? :frowning:

I also worked every single one of this points

with no success… (other than point 9 because I couildnt get custom Folder report to work like I said before so I figured there is no actual crashing it simply doesnt recognize it)

sorry for potential spamming but I just realized that my First post is not well Structered and I am unlikely to get an answer. But in short I would like to know simply how and in what window do I execute the quote below

I sent you a message in private a couple of minute ago