Problem connecting with LinkedIn API

Hi i am new to API automation because of that i am having trouble connecting my UiPath with LinkedIn API.

I already have an access token and i replaced it with {INSERT_TOKEN} as parameter in Http request wizard.

Please find the below curl that i have used.

curl -X GET ‘[0]=6&filter.companySize[0]=H
-H ‘Authorization: Bearer {INSERT_TOKEN}’

but by pressing preview i am getting the below error message.

“serviceErrorCode”: 65604,
“message”: “Empty oauth2 access token”,
“status”: 401

Can you please help me solve this issue?
Thank you


When you are using Oauth2, you need to pass token in the highlighted portion:

Hi @sreejith_rv,

You can try adding the token in the header of the request, with key as “Authorization” and the value as “Bearer xyz”

where xyz represents the token, please let me know if this works