Practical Exam

Hello, I did the practical test for certification 2 times. I have lost it twice for this reason: Failed criteria:
Missing file or user.

Does anyone have any idea why this problem arises? Because when I uploaded my project, it notified me of the web page that was uploaded. I would need to know other possible causes.


Thanks for answering! I’ve already done it. Is it possible to send them the project so they can evaluate it?

No need to send it.
Wait for their feedback and act on it.


Good Morning. I tried to send a ticket to ask if they could evaluate the exam and there was no answer. That’s why I would need to know how to solve the problem that is happening to me when I give the exam. I would need a list of cases in which this error occurs.


Gianfranco Drago

I have deleted the [[excel ) output file which was the result of the problem given in the question as I thought when they will execute the code it will be generated freshly. Will this can lead me to fail the practical exam