How much time does it takes to evaluate Practical Exam ?
Already one hour passed
This link may help you,
How can we check the status ?
It can take up to a day (sometimes even more).
Don’t worry, Wait until the evaluation is done.
There is no fixed time that evaluation is done.
Karthik Byggari
@KarthikByggari Its been now more than 5 hours
Hi Buddy
i hope you have done well,…thats why taking time
usually if we havent done well the evaluation will be very easier and immediately we will be getting the result, this happened to some of my friends,
so lets wait with fingers crossed
my best wishes
Cheers @hasib08
Hey @hasib08
It might take some hours or more than one day.
Best Luck.
9 hours gone
The same here, i updated it almost 8 hours ago and still no result available , is it because the weekend is starting ?
I have the same problem.
24 hours gone
O saw couple more posts like this where evaluation has taken more than a day and has not given an output of the result. It usually takes sometime… Not sure what is happening this time. If it couple of more hours and if you did not get a response, speak to @loginerror
I think many have submitted for evaluation I guess
Even one of my friend have submitted @hasib08
Let’s wait buddy or if there is a need of result in urgency kindly raise a ticket over here
Cheers all
And my best wishes to all
You all gonna rock this forum in future
Its not accepting Gmail Email address what to do now ?
Anyone has had news regarding pending evaluations ?
@Palaniyappan @Lahiru.Fernando @suruchi120294
Still no result
Still the same … I only hope this “delay” to be good news
Facing the same problem
more than 35 hours now
2 days now
@Palaniyappan @Lahiru.Fernando