Hello everyone, I’m curious how long did it take you to get the result of the practical part of the certification exam.
I’m waiting six hours already and I’m starting to think something might got wrong and maybe I should contact the support. Let me know how long have you waited. Thank you!
I think 24 hours later is enough to know if you pass the Evaluation. Contact support team if there’s no response after that time
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Hello @dholeckova ,
On the site is saying up to 24 hours. (Edited: is actually 1 h, but 24 h until you can take again the exam).
Lucky me, I saw that I passed the exam after 30 minutes.
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I have checked the FAQ’s once more and it says one hour waiting time. I have contacted the support and they have some downtime with the robot and they are currently solving the issues.
After 26 hours I finally got the result - Certified!