Populating Dictionary(Of String, List<String>)

Preinfo (have sharepoint site with two files. In one column have filename and another have keywords). Let’s say that
row 1: file.ppt, London
row 2: file2.ppt, London; New York; Paris


Reading data from sharepoint to datatable and iterating that via for each row activity.

Reading rows via Get Row Item activities. First getting name and then keyword.

Get Row Item print out file.ppt, has keyword value London
Get Row Item print out file2.ppt, has keyword value London; New York; Paris

Next splitting keywords to string (delimiter :wink: and then iterating string values (for each activity), which are then pushed to List (Add to collection). Finally adding data to dictionary. Dictionary type is Dictionary<String, List>.

Dictionary updated with file1.ppt and London
Dictionary updated with file2.ppt and Paris

IMHO it should indicate
Dictionary updated with file1.ppt and London
Dictionary updated with file2.ppt and London
Dictionary updated with file2.ppt and New York
Dictionary updated with file2.ppt and Paris

Problem is that when checking dictionary content, I see only following file.ppt : London, London, New York, Paris
file2.ppt : London, London, New York, Paris

Any guidance / example how to correctly populate dictionary<string, list would be golden

let us do one thing:

  • share with us some sample data in the same format as it is in the datatable
  • share with us an output description to the expected dictionary which is to genereate


Hello Jouni,
In this video I have multiple examples with Dictionary:

Cristian Negulescu