Problem with dictionary from sharepoint

I have some trouble with sharepoint and the dictionary I created.

I need for Example these information from a created entry in a specific website

It worked with the sharepoint-application



But i failed getting all these information from the created dictionary in a single text file or message box :frowning:

It’s possible to get these information when I look for the right names on the webpage (Street = “Stra_x00df_e”, but I am looking for an easy way to get all these information in one file because I have to read a lot of information from this webpage.

Do you have any idea how I can create it?

Just to make sure I understand you correctly, you have data in a dictionary but want that data in another format? Maybe csv, datatable or string?

You can also explain it in German if you feel more comfortable, Ich kann auch Deutsch.

Danke :). Ich möchte die von der Webseite ausgelesenen Daten im dictionary in einer Text-datei einlesen um einen Nachweis zu haben was ausgelesen wurde bzw. um besser damit arbeiten zu können.