Please help! Second loop through robot, dropdown click does not work

Hi there,

I am trying to run a robot to create promotions. The first loo works perfectly.

When the robot moves on to the second row of information to create a promotion, I get an error when it selects a drop down menu (that worked before).

This is where I started but it did not work:

Checked UI Explorer and changed selector to read:

First loop: works perfectly
Second loop: all previous fields enter correctly but this dropdown does not work.
Second time: this error:

When I check UI Explorer I get this:

(for the exact same dropdown as before)

What am I doing wrong?


Make sure selector of drop down should be dynamic

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Hi @Sandeep,

can you please guide me how to make the selector dynamic?

Thank you,

the images are not loaded completely
kindly reupload it pls
Cheers @memrevh

Hi @Palaniyappan,

this is my dropdown box:

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lets do one thing manually
lets take two click activity
–click on the first element that we want and get the selector
–use another click activity to click on another element that we want and get the selector

compare these two selectors and if there is any dynamic value getting changed replace it with wildcards like * , for example if title attribute changes dynamically then put like this
title = ‘*’ and try once using that selector

Cheers @memrevh

Hi @Palaniyappan,

thank you for explaining.

Here is the 2:

Number 1:

   <wnd app='java.exe' cls='SunAwtFrame' title='Retek' />
    <java name='Promotion Store Maintenance Window         (promst)' role='internal frame' />
    <java role='push button' virtualname='VButton72' />

Number 2:

<wnd app='java.exe' cls='SunAwtFrame' title='Retek' />
<java name='Promotion Store Maintenance Window (promst)' role='internal frame' />
<java role='push button' virtualname='VButton130' />

Now if I change the last line to: <java role='push button' virtualname='VButton*' />
Then the validation fails.

(PS I have no programming background - so all of this is pretty new to me! :blush:

Used the * like this but the validation fails:

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can you change the virtualname for another identifier?

or Did you try even if the validation is not ok? sometimes works.

so after changing this with wildcard did we click on VALIDATE button in the selector and if its valid it would have shown us whether its valid selector or not
Kindly try that and let know pls
you were almost done
Cheers @memrevh

Hi All,

In development, if I did not select the Virtual Button from the unselected items in the UI Element’s properties the robot did not select the dropdown box. I changed it to include the virtual button. Validation correct. First loop runs perfectly.

Second loop fails. If I add a wildcard in the number next to virtual button the validation FAILS.

These dropdown boxes are a nightmare!

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