Please help me to change user name

Hi Admin,

I would like to change my username to - horyanzx


I would like to change my username to - horyanzx

This can be done by the following steps:

  1. Clicking on your profile image in the top right hand corner of the forum site
  2. Click on your username
  3. Preferences
  4. Account (on left hand side)
  5. Click on the edit icon next to your Username


@HarrisonJard - I can not see edit option in next to my username. Please help.

Dear @horo1016

Is your issue solved ? Thanks

Hello , I am on the same boat as you are. How did you resolve this issue?

Thank You

Hey everyone,

The username can be changed for a short period after you create an account. For any change after that, please contact Forum Staff for a change (or me directly) :slight_smile:

Hi. Can you help me to change my username in UiPath exam portal- pearson vue ?

Hi @subashini.paramasivam

As per this page, I think it is best if you create a ticket via either of these paths:

I assume this would be the correct one in your scenario:

  • Please raise a ticket on Learning Support Center for questions related to the program, policies, your Certification information, or any UiPath Certified Professional program related questions.