Please help me - File keeps getting stuck in a loop when it is not supposed to

Hello everyone need some assistance with this project that I am doing. This is what I’m trying to do.

If form consists of a field named “UEN of Financial Institution”, then it will edit the description of the field. Else, it will create a new field with the name “UEN of Financial Institution”, add the description, and retrieve the field ID.

Then, next is If form consists of a field named “form key”, then it will change the field name to “Internal Reference” and change the description. Else, it will create a new field with the name “Internal Reference”, add the description and retrieve the field ID.

Lastly, is edit the Thank you page. This has no issues.

The issue I’m facing is that the it is able to do the first part that I have bolded. But it will then keep looping the part where I have put in Italics. The rest of the process does not run at all. I have put the file in so feel free to give me some advice on how I can improve. Thanks so much, it is quite urgent.

Main.xaml (93.0 KB)


Can you also share input file? It’s no problem if dummy data.


Main.xaml (93.0 KB)
Update UEN and IR details.xlsx (16.1 KB)