I want to indicate a specific invoice number from pdf document. For that, I was using “GET TEXT” activity to indicate the pdf document. When I am trying to indicate it was selecting the entire pdf. I want to select only a specific invoice number. Help needed
@MartianxSpace Hello I am getting error when I use “CV Get Text”
and I used Read PDF With OCR.
But, My question is I want to indicate only specific invoice number
@NikhilRPA in which application you are opening the PDF file? is it Microsoft edge or Adobe PDF reader?
If your are opening it in Microsoft Edge then it won’t detect any specific text, it will select the whole page as one.
You have to open it in Adobe reader. Then use
Get Text
Download “UiPath.PDF.Activities” and use “Read PDF With OCR”
Please try the settings explained here, maybe it helps:
As others said, if this not working, user Read PDF text and after that user REgex/Substring to extract the information needed from the text extracted from invoice.