Hi i want to take a screenshot of a specific range in an excel file and paste it in the body of the email, is it possible
Hi @mkj2000 this might help:
As for inserting the image in the email body, you can use this example for the body of the send mail message activity:
"<html><body style="+Chr(34)+"font-family:calibri;"+Chr(34)+"><p>Hi! <br>"+ErrorMessage+"<br></p><p>"+In_ExceptionMessage+"</p> <img src="+Chr(34)+ScreenshotFilePath+Chr(34)+" > <p>Thank you,<br>"+BotName+"</P></body></html>"
Where ScreenshotFilePath is the full path of your saved screenshot image.
Make sure that the IsBodyHTML field is checked in the Options of the Mail Message activity.
hi do i copy the line into the body of the send mail activity and change the ScreenshotFilePath to the path. Does this line convert image to html for email body?
Yes you can declare ScreenshotFilePath sa a string variable, copy the html line to the Body field of the Mail Message Activity then check the IsBodyHTML checkbox
hi is there probably any example i can refer to, i seem to be getting some error
Error ERROR Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “”<body style=“+Chr(34)+“font-family:calibri;”+Chr(34)+”>
Thank you,
End of expression expected. RPAChallenge10.xaml
RPAChallenge10.xaml: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “”<body style=“+Chr(34)+“font-family:calibri;”+Chr(34)+”>
Thank you,
End of expression expected.