Passing Drop-down values in UiPath form 23.4plus

How to pass values to UiPath form drop-down using Dictionary(of String, String).

The method used in pre-23.4 forms doesn’t work for 23.4plus forms.


Did you already found an answer to this?

Unfortunately not.

@Phanvi99 @J0ska

Did you try just passing the dictionary(of string, string) in without adding _dropdown on the end of the argument?

@Phanvi99 @J0ska

Just pass it in as Array of string and it works fine.



I was just experimenting with forms. So I simply gave up when there was no solution.

Array of string probably works for dropdown.

But the point of dictionary was - if I recall well - that you can display the key and return/select the associated value.


You can still get the selected value. It just seems that you can’t have a separate label and value but that shouldn’t be a huge problem. Still set up and populate your dictionary, pass yourDict.Keys as the array into the dropdown argument, then after getting the selected value you can easily look up the value based on the selected key.

Sure. It is possible workaround. Thx for hint.

Thanks! I got it to work now :slight_smile:

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