Passing Arguments to the Global Handler

I have seen many posts but still there is confusion about passing arguments to Global handler and as per some suggestions suggested in the post, we cannot pass arguments to Global handler.

In the global handler, we can get the variables and arguments that are present in the exception occurred workflow by using the following expression. errorInfo.Variables(“variableName”) errorInfo.WorkflowArguments(“argumentName”)

How can we pass arguments using throw activity? If not possible, where is ErrorInfo getting the variables or arguments from?


We cannot add arguments to that xaml as ideally you are not invoking it anywhere…ideally to get argument values you need to link…

global exception handler is automatically called whenever there is an error…so the error details are passed automatically…just like in catch block the exception variable will be assigned with the required exception details…its similar

and if you want to pass…either write the required data to asset or some excel and read them in the global exception handler this is also one way


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You could perform some steps in Global Handler itself like Anil suggested, however i personally keep the steps to very minimal in Global Handler to avoid any complications in my exception handling logic.
