Output files are not creating in project folder

Hi All,

I have created one project by using RE Framework and published in Orchestrator.
It’s executing successfully in studio and via Orchestrator-Job run and Robo tray also.

But I’m facing the issue when running through Robo Tray and Orchestrator -Job, the output files are not creating in project folders even though the execution is successful.

When executing via UIPath studio I’m not facing the above issue, Output files are creating successfully in project folder.

Any one faced this kind of issue then give solution for the same.


Hi @Bala_Murugan_Kothand ,

What type of Path you have used? Is that relative or absolute path?

There is two type of paths should be considered.

  • Relative Path
  • Absolute Path

While running on published projects, you should keep in mind on the type of paths were used.

  • Relative Path : If you give the path as Data\Config.xlsx - It will be saved in C:\Users\WindowsUser\.nuget\packages\ProcessName\1.0.1(VersionName)\lib\net45
  • Absolute Path : C:\Users\WindowsUser\Documents\UiPath\ProcessName\Data\Config.xlsx then it will saves in the exact directory
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@Bala_Murugan_Kothand After publishing default location will be in below location
** C:\Users\username\nuget\packages\ProcessName\1.0.1\lib\net45**

Thanks for your answer, I found it in exact folder which you have mentioned in the message.

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Superb @Bala_Murugan_Kothand

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