Outlook API

Hello All,

I have a problem where am using outlook mail activities to send and receive an email from robot in one of my project but load on outlook is very high because of that process is not running properly, hence we thought of using different approach instead of mail activities. I have tried with powershell and was able to achieve the result what i expected but powershell also requires microsoft account to be installed on the machine where we are running powershell. Now am in hunt of other option which is Rest API integration with Uipath to achieve this task. I have seen many posts regarding this in Uipath forum but didn’t find any proper solution. If anyone has done this task with API then please share the workflow which will help everyone whoever in need of.

Thanks and regards,

You mentioned that you were using Outlook. Is your company using Office 365? If so you could use the Exchange Message Activities without needing to use powershell or an api.

The exchange activities are similar to outlook, but they connect directly to Microsoft. You just need to know the email and password for the account being used. My company stores the login info in a orchestrator asset and then the robot retrieves the credentials and logs into Exchange.

Hello @zwils0,

No we are not using office 365 in our company.

Thanks and regards,