Orchestrator trigger Machine not showing when workspace is signed out

Machine name is not showing here if the workspace is signed out. But when I’m in workspace I can see the machine name

Hi @joscares,

Please make sure the uipath is installed in service mode in the unattended machine. I also recommend to create machine template for the unattended robot instead of the workspace template and connect the machine with machine key

I installed the uipath unattended version so i dont see option for service mode

While installing there will be a option register as JS. We have to make sure it selected.

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Can i do this control panel? Then changed option?

@joscares , yes we can do that as well

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I already have it checked it means it is installed as window service?

yes it means its already installed. However can you make sure Connection type in uipath assistant is either with machine key or client ID


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yep it is


okay, is the user credentials for the machine has been provided under your user id in Manage access tab?

However it is recommended to create a Robot account for unattended machines

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yes already did this too