Orchestrator running robot on VM - RDP issues

I’m trying to run a RPA automation on an unattended robot hosted on a VM through Orchestrator v2018.2 but this is failing

The UiPath Robot service on the VM tries to create the RDP session but this is timing out after 120 seconds and is returning the following error.

“A specified logon session does not exist. It may have already been terminated.”

I’m investigating and it looks like this is caused by a legal notice that is displayed after the RDP username/password dialogue.

I’ve temporarily removed the legal notice and UiPath service can now make the RDP connection, resolving the issue.

Has anyone else experienced this issue and managed to resolve this another way?

you can keep the login session alive by using registry value change:


I am not able to open this link. It shows an error. I need this solution at the earliest.

Kindly Help.

try below links :slight_smile:

UI Path scripts are failing when RDP is disconnected


I guess thats the very same post I have put forth, and also its been solved too.

Well, that being said, I am having another issue now.

I am getting an issue while I am running a bot from an Orchestrator. Like if I am scheduling the bot and stay connected to the RDP server, the execution is successful. But when I am disconnected from the server and trying the run the bot from the orchestrator, I am getting job shown as (Faulted) in orchestrator. The error says ("Executor start process failed, reason System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80070520): A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070520)\r\n at UiPath.UiSystemClass.OpenInteractiveWindowsSession(String bstrUser, String bstrPassword, UiOpenSessionFlags nFlags, String bstrApplication, String bstrAppArguments, Int32 nDelayMs, Int32 userToken, UiGenericOptions options)\r\n at UiPath.Core.Setup.OpenInteractiveWindowsSession(String username, String password, OpenSessionFlags flags, String application, String arguments, Int32 userToken, Int32 preferredWidth, Int32 preferredHeight, Int32 preferredDepth, Boolean fontSmoothing)\r\n at UiPath.Service.Impl.Executor.StartProcessInSession(Guid executorInstanceId, String username, String password, SettingsDictionary execSettings, IntPtr userToken)\r\n at UiPath.Service.Impl.Executor.<>c__DisplayClass17_1.<<Start>b__0>d.MoveNext()" )

PLease look into it.

Thanks, ’

have you tried below things,…?

This is the common issue most of us are facing, there are multiple ways to fix this but i have no clue definitely which one will work: i will suggest you for trail and error for all following methods:

• Setting up the rdp RemoteDesktop_SuppressWhenMinimizedin the registry: UI Path scripts are failing when RDP is disconnected

• Use launch Interactive invoke workflow activity while invoking the wokflow.
• Config RDP timeout to create user session.
• Check simulate Type/Windows Type for background automation

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else you have to raise issue to Zendesk(UiPath Support)

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I understand. You seem to be very much thorough with your concepts. May took the liberty to visit your linkedin, Great work history.


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