Problem with Running Bot on VM

I am trying to run a bot on a VM from community Orchestrator. When I am logged into my RDP its fine and it works, but of course, if I launch this for the client, I don’t want there to be any interaction with it and it just executes. Hence why it needs to be able to run properly with no RDP or VPN or anything open basically on the VM. When I just launch the workflow from Orchestrator without being on a VPN or RDP or anything. My bot saying it can’tfind certain elements or click a lot of things. Any help with this would really be appreciated!

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welcome to uipath community
usually if we want to execute a process in VM or any RDP it can be done in two ways
–either we need to have a robot installed in that server and we need to have a orchestrator
–so that we can publish our package from our local machine to orchestrator and run that process in the server robot
–we need to have a RDP connection wizard in our local machine itself so that we can run the process which includes certain set of activities that will connect to the RDP with RDP CONNECTION WIZARD

hope this would help you
Cheers @Tristan_Kok

The first option you mentioned is what I did. The UiPath Robot Agent is installed on the VM and it is connected to Orchestrator. When I start a job in Orchestrator, it does say that it is running but the process basically just “hangs” and never finishes. When I open the VM myself I see that the bot did open a browser as it should but just does nothing on the browser. Might this have anything to do with the type of bot or type of Orchestrator?


i hope the vm installed with robot is fine but the domain and username mentioned in orchestrator while creating robot for that vm machine is not correct
for that in your vm machine open cmd window and type as whoami which will give us domain and username
mention the same in the robot tab while creating robot for that vm machine

Cheers @Tristan_Kok

That is the thing. The fact that it connects to the VM and launches the client and starts running tells me that the domain and username I entered was correct that I found on cmd with whoami. Could the problem be that it is a development bot?

choose as UNATTENDED bot as a robot type and try once
Cheers @Tristan_Kok

Do you have UiPath Robot Service installed?


Are you referring to the agent? Like your path to executable, mine says “C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio\UiPath.Agent.exe”. If it is not the same as the agent, where can I get the service?

What UiPath version do you run? If Enterprise then the service is installed by default. It is in the same folder as Agent. You could check in services if it’s running.


i have experience exactly the same issue.

the issue is with the CE version of Uipath Robot to execute fully unattended task.
I solve is by installing the Enterprise Robot version (trial) 19.4.4 on my VM and the connect it to the free orchestrator. From there, surprise… the robot works successfully without any issue.

I Strongly advise you to try this. I’ve search to fix this issue for more than 3 weeks.


This is a community UiPath not Enterprise?

I really hope that works, I’ll try it and let you know!

If you run CE version then UiPath Robot Service is not installed and the unattended execution doesn’t work.
You need to use Enterprise version as stated by @vmariejeanne (which install the UiPath Robot Service by default) or install it manually (see post below)

More about UiPath Robot Service


Hello J0ska,
Yes and no.
Even if the service is running on a VM (example) open a session to a VM and disconnect (NOT SIGN OUT) where the service will continue working, the CE Unattended Robot will be able to start and run but still not be able to perfom well. Some actiosn will success and other not, where your whole process will always fail.

For sure the enterprise version solve the sign session where no one is signing in on the VM as the service will be always active you are right. But it will also solve some actions that the CE will always fail to do.

Ex: an OCR on a pdf page will never work using an unattended Robot CE.
Unless you login manually on the VM, keep the screen active, and then run the robot who will success the job. The enterprise version, will really open like someone sign in on the VM (creating an active screen) and proceed with his task, and all this without seeing any thing really as YOU the user.

All the above are from my past 4 months own experience from a big project I’ve did.

Hope to hear from you


I really hope so too.

Hope to hear good news from you.


So, I’ve made some developments but not as I had hoped. I installed the enterprise version and started the bot. What happens next is freaky beyond what I’ve seen. The bot is supposed to open a browser, login to a site, tick some checkboxes and download a csv. As mentioned, this works when I am on the VM. When I close the VM and run the bot from Orchestrator, the bot would open the browser (I see this in the Orchestrator logs evn though I can’t see the VM) and then log in and start ticking and then the logs stop. No errors, nothing else. Then I terminate the job and login to VM to see what’s going on. I am greeted by 8 IE instances open that look exactly the same. The bot logged into the site, and started ticking to some point and just stopped. All 8 IE Tabs look exactly the same and the bot stopped at the exact same point with them all? What the hell?

Hi Vincent,
I am running CE robot in fully unattended mode without any problem - using all features including OCR and PDF scraping. The truth is I start it from Windows Scheduler, not from Orchestrator.


on what state is the VM before the schedule run?
-Sign out user
-Disconnected user
-Sign in user

Yes, it may be a big difference using scheduler on the VM and orchestrator… it can be the factors

If technically possible I recommend to use

It will not solve your problem but it allows you to watch what robot is doing even in the unattended session. In my process framework I launch the streaming service at beginning of process which allows me look “behind the scene”

Good lock!

Sign out indeed.