Orchestrator error screenshort folder - location

A failed transaction –

How to find this screenshot picture on Virtual desktop. The Place of folder
where screenshot located ?


screenshots will be located in the project folder having subfolder name as exception folder

hope this helps

The folder path looks like a project folder
So you can find the screenshot and it’s folder within your UiPath project
If it’s built in VM. Then The default location where projects are created is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\UiPath

If it’s just installed and executed in that VM
published package will be in folder the default location of the packages is %ProgramData%\UiPath\Packages

Cheers @Ellen


They would be stored in the project folder as you are using relative pth

When run from Orchestrator will run the bot from the folders at below location


Here only you can find the exceptions folder


I tried all the options but I am unable to find the screenshot and folder where screenshots from this process is located.

Ok were u able to locate the project folder in your VM for this project


this is how the location would be for the project folder when run from orchestrator

C:\Users\<Username>\.nuget\packages\blankprocess5(Package name)\1.0.2(package version)\content

Were you able to find the project folder?
