Orchestrator , chrome not works correctly in unattended mode ?RDP(type into activty)


Iswitcheed from mode user into mode service, but the problem that myexecuton works once correctly, after no (after opening chrome, the activity type into is not working ,), i used rdp to access from remote

any one can tell me what are the reason of this issue please?

Best regards

If you have access to the unattended machine go in and compare the selector of the type into in your dev and prod VM @nora_ziani

the seelctor is fine in dev it is working , but now no

best regards

Hello @nora_ziani

Hope you have installed the robot in service mode? Plz confirm.

Also is it happening only for a particular selector?


I Precise robot is in service mode
selector is fine

best regards

Is there any resolution issue? Any error you are getting or robot is getting stuck at some place?


could not find selector

Best regards

pls compare the resolution setting in dev and prod

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