Orchestrator API To Retry A Failed Queue Item Transaction

How to retry a failed queue item transaction via the orchestrator API ?

Please check the below API:

Swagger URL: HTTPS:// /swagger/index.html#



This API can be used to set the review status of the failed transaction to be retried which will automatically add a new queue item with status new.

Find below parameter details:


"status": "Retried",

"queueItems": [


"RowVersion": "AAAAAAAARm0=",

"Id": 10




X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId, Row version, and ID can be obtained from getting Queue item.

URL : https:///OData/QueueItems


Note that while creating a queue in the Orchestrator, disable the Auto retry option in the Orchestrator queue.

A post was split to a new topic: Response code 400 received while retrying A Failed Queue Item Transaction using Orchestrator API