Hello there,
I am trying to call the endpoint ‘/odata/QueueItems/UiPathODataSvc.SetItemReviewStatus’ to update the review status of a queue item. This is the payload I am passing:
"status": "Retried",
"queueItems": [
"Id": 31231312221,
"RowVersion": "AAAAAAAARm0="
Of course, I am also passing the requested headers (‘X-UiPath-OrganizationUnitId’ and the Bearer token)
The response I obtain from the Orchestrator is this:
"@odata.context": "https://cloud.uipath.com/dsdadsd/orch_dev/orchestrator_/odata/$metadata#UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.BulkOperationResponseDto_1OfInt64",
"Success": true,
"Message": "Some items have not been updated. Reasons: the items have already been modified by another user.",
"FailedItems": [
Does anybody know what am I doing wrong? I dont understand the “Message” response, as I have not modified any item.
I have seen this other post where another user has a similar problem. I am doing exactly what is explained there, but I am not receiving what is expected.